Ultimate Rock-Paper-Scissors
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Feb 22, 2019
🔥[Nombre]: Sun-Ken Rock

🔥[Autor]: Boichi (2006-2016)

🔥[Género]: Acción, Comedia, Drama, Artes Marciales, Mafia, Psicológico, Romance, Seinen, Tragedia.

🔥[Sinopsis]: Ken Kitano, un joven japonés que decide viajar a Corea para convertirse en policía al igual que la chica que ama, pero las cosas no salen bien y, transcurrido un año, se encuentra sin dinero y sin trabajo. Una noche, ayuda a un anciano atacado por unos hombres, y una banda local se fija en él. Le ofrecen convertirse en su jefe y tras pensarlo varias veces, acepta ¿Ahora, que futuro le deparará a Ken?

💥[Opinión]: La historia de Ken, es básicamente ver el nacimiento de una pequeña mafia hasta su máximo esplendor (lo cual es muy genial), algo a destacar es el dibujo de gran detalle y realismo que da Boichi a las escenas de batallas y el uso de dibujos variados a las escenas cómicas. Un manga recomendable para quien quiera ver luchas con un estilo de lo mas épico.
Aug 18, 2018
#A-Paper-Pet-Marriageawaaaaaaaaa!!! que manga tan lindo hace tiempo no veía tanta ternura del personaje masculino T-T me a encantado x favor sigan actualizando yo me ofrecería ayudar, pero no sé inglés 😥😥 gracias x su duro trabajo les admiro mucho!
Mar 13, 2023
Get the Best Premium Car Repair Dubai Services at Desire Auto
Welcome to Desire Auto Services - We are a team of experienced and highly skilled technicians who are dedicated to providing top-notch premium car repair dubai to all of our valued clients. Our goal is to help keep your vehicle running smoothly, safely, and efficiently, so you can enjoy the ultimate driving experience.
Marcos Sims
Marcos Sims
Feb 17, 2023

With the WritePaperFor.Me promo codes https://depapers.com/deals/writepaperforme/ you can get access to high quality and affordable academic paper writing services. Get everything from essays and research papers to term papers and dissertations with this amazing code. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to save time and money!

If you don't have desire to work in the dirt with your bare hands, WritePaperFor.Me will help you complete your homework and get the grade you want.

As You Desire
Vanessa 🐈‍⬛
Vanessa 🐈‍⬛
Aug 19, 2018
#A-Paper-Pet-MarriageAhhhh este Hou pendejo el mismo crea estas confusiones jajaja pero aun asi lo amo!! jajajae encanta verlo enamorado de la prota!! 😆😍💕 y ella tan tonta!!.. perp Por Diooooos cuando jodido le dira que el es su marido? jajaja 😅 pero bueno actualicen maas
CopyCat Figma
CopyCat Figma
Dec 27, 2022
How to export from figma - Easy way.

CopyCat is the ultimate tool for developers and designers who need to quickly and easily export their Figma designs into code. With CopyCat, you can quickly export your designs into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript so you can get back to coding faster. Plus, CopyCat is incredibly easy to use and requires no technical knowledge. So don't waste any more time manually coding your designs - try CopyCat's Figma export tool now and make your workflow smoother and faster!
Visit us: https://www.copycat.dev/figma-export
Smith warner
Smith warner
Jan 12, 2023
It can be helpful to create an outline of your paper before beginning the actual writing process. This will give you a roadmap to follow and help keep you on track. When it comes time to actually write the assignment, begin by introducing the main topic or argument. Then, present evidence or supporting information to back up your claims. Be sure to cite any sources that you use in order to avoid plagiarism. Use clear and concise language throughout the paper, and avoid using difficult or unnecessarily complicated words. With just a click of a button, simply place an order for the best pay to write my assignment service in the United Kingdom.
For More Info Visit Our Website: https://writemyassignment.uk
Jan 06, 2023
Hey. As you're getting ready to work on your assignment, be sure to collect all the necessary supplies. This might include pencils, a calculator, a compass, scratch paper, and a sharpener. The most important thing to do when you're learning how to do math homework https://paperwriter.com/math-homework-help is to make sure that you understand the material. While it's tempting to jump into the problem right away, you'll want to go over your notes and read through the instructions carefully.
Feb 15, 2023
Online services, that write paper for money (read more here on https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/5-best-services-which-can-write-essays-for-money-news-260138 ), swim quickly and wildly through the water, frequently catching different sharks or articles in their way. Their mouths will be open wide, uncovering their sharp teeth, as they snap at anything that approaches them. They are not demanding eaters during a taking care of furor and will eat pretty much anything they can get their teeth on, including different sharks.
Mr. Yuri Inspector
Mr. Yuri Inspector
May 18, 2019
So no game no life is a isekai.
..why am I making so many isekai recommendations wtf.
Well it’s a isekai and oh boy IS it GOOD
So there is the main protagonist Sora and her “sister” Shiro and they are like the ultimate neet group.
So because they are so good a god, a fucking god comes and invites them to a world that everything is decided by games. Like tbh I would die of poverty in like a second
So obviously because they are godly neets they stomp on everybody. yeah. SHIRO is QUEEN
There’s a lot of SPICE too, not too much but fairly enough and it makes the anime gold. The design of the anime is fablous too
Feb 06, 2023
UnemployedProfessors Review
It seems that UnemployedProfessors.com, as an online writing service, has been around since 2011. It had an interesting beginning, with an unemployed professor bitterly worried about being let go and not being able to find work. In fact, many professors were in the same situation as colleges and universities were downsizing to save money. He decided to start this academic writing company to provide custom writing opportunities for students and also to provide jobs for other professors in the same situation. The company's website tells its story through several cartoon-like visuals that are both engaging and somewhat humorous.
Unemployed Professors offers college and university students a full range of academic jobs, including the following:
research paper
term paper
essay writing of all types and topics
case study
homework help
laboratory report
thesis and dissertation
review and analysis
other academic work

The company boasts that it is better than others because it employs only professors - those who have been in college classrooms and assigned students' papers and essays.

Prices and discounts
The company has no set prices for all types of custom writing. This business model is becoming increasingly popular, but is not familiar to many students. Basically, a student registers with the company and then posts information about their writing needs. The student will be asked to provide all the details of the order. Once the order is placed, the registered writers offer the student their suggestions.

The student reviews the proposals, perhaps talks to several candidates, and then chooses a writer to do the work. From this point, there is a discussion board through which the student and writer can communicate - both remain anonymous.

Once the essay, paper, or other custom project is completed, the student will receive the product and either approve it or ask for changes as needed.

Due to the business model, there are no discounts available. The student, of course, can negotiate a price with the author if he or she has such skills.

When a price is agreed upon, the student deposits the payment into an account and then gives it back to the writer when he or she is satisfied with the product.

Suggestions and extras
Unemployed professors reddit is very clear about what all other writing services offer as "extras" - title page, bibliography, etc. They are standard on all academic papers. They are part of the standard package of all academic papers produced by their authors and are not considered extras. Any other additional services the client may need should be negotiated with the selected author.

Quality of the paper
It is difficult to assess the quality of writing without samples. We have made a rather public appeal to clients of this company to provide us with copies of student papers they have received from these authors. Fortunately, we received several responses and were able to assess the quality of one research paper, one book review, and one custom essay.

Our overall impression was that these papers were well structured and reflected scholarly writing. We saw no signs of writing in a foreign language.
abc abx
abc abx
Feb 07, 2023
Suonerie gratuite per il tuo telefono

Oltre ad essere libero, Cellbeat ha una vasta libreria di suonerie in una serie di generi https://suonerieitaliane.net/categoria/samsung/ Puoi cercare per categoria o utilizzare la casella di ricerca per trovare suonerie specifiche che stai cercando. Puoi anche iscriverti a un account gratuito e ricevere una newsletter con notizie su suoneria e recensioni da altri utenti.

Il sito è facile da usare e ha molte buone suonerie gratuite per il tuo telefono. Le suonerie sono classificate in generi popolari come country, danza, alternativa e pop. Il sito ha anche alcune suonerie esclusive, come un tema "baby shark" che non riesci a trovare altrove.

Un altro sito Web di suoneria gratuita che ha un enorme database di suonerie è Soundspice. Ha una varietà di categorie di suoneria e presenta un creatore di suoneria, un lettore musicale e un taglierina MP3.

Questo sito Web ha un'impressionante selezione di suonerie ed è una buona opzione per coloro che sono alla ricerca di suonerie gratuite per il loro iPhone. Il sito offre un'ampia varietà di generi, tra cui Rock e Hip Hop classico.

Se sei un musicista, puoi facilmente scaricare e utilizzare una suoneria che rifletta il tuo stile e la tua performance. Puoi anche usare una suoneria per far sapere alle persone che sei in studio o registrare una nuova traccia.

Puoi anche cambiare le suonerie in qualsiasi momento, purché tu sia accettato sul tuo account sul sito. Le suonerie vengono salvate sul tuo telefono e puoi scegliere quali desideri tenere o scartare.

Questo sito Web di suoneria gratuita è uno dei siti Web più popolari per trovare nuove suonerie. Hanno un enorme database e sistema di smistamento che semplifica la ricerca della suoneria esatta che stai cercando. Il sito ha anche una newsletter con molte nuove suonerie.
Live Casino Malaysia
Live Casino Malaysia
Feb 13, 2023
Get the Ultimate Baccarat Experience with Allbet Casino
Experience the thrill of playing Baccarat with Allbetmy Live Casino Malaysia. Allbet Casino is an online gaming platform that offers a wide range of exciting casino games, including Baccarat. With live dealers and high-quality graphics, playing Baccarat at Allbet will give you the most authentic gaming experience possible. Whether you're a seasoned Baccarat player or trying it out for the first time, Allbet Live Casino has something for everyone. With a range of betting options and a secure and seamless gaming experience, playing Baccarat at Allbet Casino is sure to be a enjoyable and rewarding experience. So why wait? Sign up now and start playing today!
Oct 13, 2022
Nursing focuses on the provision of health care to individuals, families, and communities so that they can live a healthy lifestyle.
Nursing is a profession that requires you to write. Writing is essential in the nursing profession. You should use your writing skills as a nursing student during your internship, coursework , or clinical experience. Writing in nursing is a sign that a student is able to communicate professionally. Nursing is a common field that is used daily in all hospitals. Writing is an important part of nursing for sharing ideas and knowledge. Professional nurses should be able to communicate their thoughts through professional writing.
Many nursing students, as well as professional nurses, may have difficulty writing this type of writing because it requires special writing skills. They must not only have a good knowledge of the subject, but also be able to organize their thoughts and observations. There are times when you may find yourself in a difficult situation and need professional writing assistance.

Nursing can be written in many ways: position paper, nursing notes, nursing history, nursing note and research paper.
Apr 05, 2023
Guidance on Finance Dissertation Writing Services
The Best Service for Writing a bachelor thesis writing service students must complete a bachelor's thesis. It tests their ability to choose relevant literature, formulate a topic, and analyze data.

Writing a hrm thesis help can be difficult and require real dedication from students, in contrast to PhD dissertations. This is why so many students turn to professionals for help.

bachelor thesis help is a reputable online writing service that has been in operation since 2008. PaperHelp Its writers are specialists in their fields and are able to finish a paper of high quality on time.

If you are dissatisfied with your purchase, finance thesis help promise a 100 percent refund. Their quality confirmation office completely looks at scholarly papers for counterfeiting and botches.

master's thesis help composing administrations are reasonable and accompanied three free updates. Additionally, they offer a plagiarism report that is comparable to Turnitin's.

The level of finance dissertation helper, the deadline, and the kind of paper you need all affect how much their services cost. A high school essay, for instance, costs $10 per page, whereas a doctoral dissertation with an 8-hour deadline costs $45 per page.

The best thing about art thesis help is that they hire skilled writers with BA, MA, or PhD degrees in their fields. They are recruited by going through a stringent screening process to make sure they can write good essays.

Evolution Writers Evolution Writers is an academic writing service that provides write my finance dissertation and theses among other services. It also offers resumes, reviews, essay writing, and PowerPoint presentations.

It charges reasonable prices and has a large writer database. However, it has a few issues, including thousands of customers and overworked customer service representatives who may take a long time to answer buy thesis methodology.

All of their writers are chemistry thesis help with a lot of experience in their field. They are able to write a thesis on any topic and even assist you in developing your concepts into a finished product.
Pod King Elf Bar
Pod King Elf Bar
Jan 05, 2023
Cigarette vs Disposable Vape

Cigarettes and disposable vapes are two popular tobacco products, but they have some key differences that may be important to consider when deciding which one to use.

One major difference between cigarettes and disposable vapes is the way they are used. Cigarettes are smoked, while disposable vapes are activated by inhaling on the device. This means that disposable vapes do not produce smoke, but rather an aerosol that is exhaled.

Another difference is the composition of the products. Cigarettes are made from tobacco leaves that are rolled in paper, while disposable vapes contain a liquid that is heated to produce an aerosol. The liquid in disposable vapes, also known as e-liquid or e-juice, typically consists of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavorings, and sometimes nicotine.

In terms of health risks, both cigarettes and disposable vapes have been linked to negative health effects. Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and disease worldwide, and has been linked to a variety of serious health problems including cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. Disposable vapes, on the other hand, have not been in use as long as cigarettes, so the long-term health effects are not yet fully understood. However, some studies have suggested that e-cigarette vapor may contain potentially harmful substances such as metals, ultrafine particles, and volatile organic compounds.

Overall, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with both cigarettes and disposable vapes, and to make an informed decision about which product is right for you. If you are a smoker and are considering switching to disposable vapes as a way to reduce your risk of tobacco-related health problems, it may be helpful to speak with a healthcare professional for advice.
Jayleen vaquerano
Jayleen vaquerano
Dec 06, 2018
Juice, sauce, little bit of dressing
Ice, wrist, little bit of flexing
Juice, sauce, little bit of dressing
Ice, wrist, little bit of flexing
I went to the store for some chocolate flavoured milk
Came home with a thicc chocolate colored milf
All she wanted was a little gravy train for Christmas
She was pretty interested in giving me the business

Pretty sure I was like twenty when it happened (flex)
Speakers playing Marvin Gaye, so I started snapping
All of a sudden Momma had her ass clapping
We where in the aisle with the paper and the napkins
I was mesmerised by the was that it was shakin'
Looked down at her cart and all she had was bacon
Ooh shit, I think she want some breakfast
But out the corner of my eye I saw my fuckin' dentist

Juice, sauce, little bit of dressing
Ice, wrist, little bit of flexing
Juice, sauce, little bit of dressing
Ice, wrist, little bit of flexing
I went to the store for some chocolate flavoured milk
Came home with a thicc chocolate colored milf
All she wanted was a little gravy train for Christmas
She was pretty interested in giving me the business

Guess it turned out that my dentist was a wife
Same dentist I had already piped thrice
I'm not trying to pull up on your wife girl I promise
But it's starting to look a lot like Trapped in the Closet
I was thinking about that masterpiece by R-Kelly
When suddenly my dentist started rubbing on my belly
Looked down at her cart, she had the biscuits with the jelly
That's the time that Gravy hit a threesome in the deli
Gravy got racks, and my baby got back
Serenading your bitch on the sax
No slack in my mac, you better relax

That my crib, scented candles with the dirty sprite
R-Kelly playing while I lay that pipe
Fuckin' with your bitch all night
I pull up with that pipe, I'ma
Pull up on your bitch, pull up with that bitch I'ma

(Gravy Train)
Apr 21, 2023
How to Dazzle with Diamond Necklaces: The Ultimate Guide to Exquisite Jewelry
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on diamond necklaces, where we unveil the allure and elegance of these exquisite pieces of jewelry. If you're in search of a statement accessory that exudes luxury and captures attention, a diamond necklace is undoubtedly the epitome of opulence. In this article, we will take you on a journey through the world of diamond necklaces, from their history and significance to choosing the perfect one for you. Join us as we delve into the captivating world of these sparkling gems and discover how you can make a lasting impression with a diamond necklace that shines above the rest.
Unveiling the Timeless Beauty of Diamond Necklaces:
A diamond necklace is not just a piece of jewelry; it is a work of art that embodies timeless beauty and elegance. The allure of diamond necklaces can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where they were revered as symbols of power, wealth, and eternal love. Today, diamond necklaces continue to captivate the hearts of jewelry enthusiasts worldwide, with their breathtaking brilliance and exquisite craftsmanship.
The History and Significance of Diamond Necklaces:
The history of diamonds is extensive and goes back thousands of years. The name "diamond" is derived from the Greek word "adamas," which means "unbreakable" or "indestructible," denoting the toughness and tenacity of the diamond. Due to their scarcity and distinctive brilliance, diamonds were initially discovered in India and were highly prized. Diamonds were employed as talismans to fend off bad spirits in ancient India since it was thought that they had protective properties.
European monarchy and nobility began to wear diamonds more often in the Middle Ages because they thought that doing so would bring them good fortune and shield them from harm. Diamond necklaces became in popularity throughout the Renaissance, and the nobles prized them greatly due to their elaborate patterns and precise craftsmanship.
In the contemporary day, diamond necklaces have come to represent opulence and status. Diamond necklaces are worn by celebrities and high-profile people to make a statement and show off their upscale taste and style during red carpet events and special occasions. A diamond necklace represents everlasting love and a lasting legacy. It is more than simply a piece of jewellery; it is a prized heirloom that may be passed down through the years.
Choosing the Perfect Diamond Necklace:
Selecting the perfect diamond necklace can be a daunting task, given the plethora of options available in the market. However, with careful consideration and attention to detail, you can find the diamond necklace that speaks to your heart and complements your personal style.

The cut of a diamond is one of the most critical factors that determine its beauty and brilliance. A well-cut diamond reflects light in a way that maximizes its fire and scintillation, creating a mesmerizing play of light and enhancing its overall appearance. When choosing a diamond necklace, look for diamonds with excellent or very good cut grades to ensure optimal sparkle and radiance.
Carat Weight:
The carat weight of a diamond refers to its size, with one carat equivalent to 0.2 grams. While larger diamonds may seem more impressive, the carat weight should be considered in conjunction with the other factors, such as cut, color, and clarity, to determine the overall value and appearance of the diamond necklace.
The color of a diamond is graded on a scale from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown). The most valuable diamonds are those that are colorless or near-colorless, as they allow the maximum amount of light to pass through and create a dazzling display of brilliance. When selecting a diamond necklace, consider diamonds in the D to G color range for a truly breathtaking piece of jewelry.
May 04, 2023
Custom Cosmetic Box: Elevate Your Branding Game with Personalized Packaging

As a cosmetic brand owner, you know the importance of standing out in a crowded marketplace. With so many options available, consumers can easily overlook your products. One way to grab their attention and set yourself apart from the competition is through custom cosmetic boxes.

In this blog post, we'll discuss how custom cosmetic boxes can elevate your branding game and why it's worth investing in personalized packaging.

What are Custom Cosmetic Boxes?

Custom cosmetic boxes are packaging solutions designed specifically for your brand. You can choose the size, shape, color, and design of the box to suit your product and brand image. Custom boxes are often made from high-quality materials such as paperboard, kraft paper, or corrugated cardboard, and can be printed with your brand's logo, artwork, and messaging.

Why Choose Custom Cosmetic Boxes?

Unique Brand Identity
Custom cosmetic boxes allow you to create a unique brand identity that sets your products apart from the competition. With customized packaging, you can choose a design that perfectly reflects your brand's personality, values, and mission. This can include your brand colors, typography, and imagery, which helps create a cohesive look and feel across all your products.

Improved Customer Experience
Custom cosmetic boxes not only look great but also provide a better customer experience. With custom packaging, you can ensure that your products arrive safely and securely, reducing the risk of damage during shipping. You can also include additional information such as usage instructions, product details, and ingredients, making it easier for customers to understand your products and use them effectively.

Increased Brand Recognition
Custom cosmetic boxes are an excellent way to increase brand recognition. By using your brand's logo, colors, and messaging on your packaging, you create a strong visual identity that customers can easily recognize. This helps to build brand awareness and loyalty, which can lead to repeat purchases and positive reviews.

Better Product Presentation
Custom cosmetic boxes can enhance the presentation of your products. By choosing a design that showcases your products in the best possible light, you can create a more premium and luxurious look and feel. This can be particularly important for high-end or luxury cosmetic brands, where the packaging is an essential part of the overall customer experience.

Competitive Advantage
In a crowded marketplace, custom cosmetic boxes can give you a significant competitive advantage. By creating a unique and memorable packaging design, you can stand out from the competition and attract more customers. Custom packaging can also help to justify premium pricing by creating the perception of higher quality and exclusivity.

How to Design Custom Cosmetic Boxes?

When designing custom cosmetic boxes, there are a few key elements to consider:

Brand Identity: Your packaging should reflect your brand's identity, including your brand colors, typography, and messaging.

Product Type: The size, shape, and design of the box should be appropriate for the product type. For example, a lip balm box will have different requirements than an eyeshadow palette box.

Materials: Choose high-quality materials that provide adequate protection for your products during shipping and storage.

Printing and Finishing: Consider the printing and finishing options available, such as embossing, foiling, or matte/glossy finishes, to create a unique and eye-catching design.

Sustainability: Consider eco-friendly options such as recycled materials and biodegradable coatings to minimize your environmental impact.

Why Work with a Professional Packaging Company?

While it's possible to design custom cosmetic boxes in-house, working with a professional packaging company offers several benefits:

Expertise: A professional packaging company has the knowledge and expertise to help you create the best possible packaging design for your products.

Customization: A packaging company can provide a range of customization options, including
Seo Masters
Seo Masters
Mar 16, 2024
**How to Airbrush Shirts: A Comprehensive Guide**

Airbrushing shirts is a creative and fun way to personalize your wardrobe or create unique designs for yourself, friends, or even as a business venture. While it may seem daunting at first, with the right equipment, techniques, and a bit of practice, anyone can learn how to airbrush shirts like a pro. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you get started:

**1. Gather Your Materials**

Before you begin airbrushing shirts, it's essential to gather all the necessary materials:

- Airbrush kit: This includes an airbrush gun, compressor, and hoses.

- Fabric paint: Choose high-quality fabric paints that are specifically designed for airbrushing.

- Stencils: Stencils are useful for creating precise designs and patterns.

- Painter's tape: Use painter's tape to mask off areas of the shirt you don't want to paint.

- Shirts: Select shirts made from cotton or a cotton-polyester blend, as they provide the best surface for airbrushing.

**2. Prepare Your Workspace**

Set up a clean, well-ventilated workspace where you can comfortably work without any interruptions. Cover your work surface with newspaper or a drop cloth to protect it from overspray.

**3. Prepare the Shirt**

Before you begin airbrushing, wash and dry the shirt to remove any dirt, oils, or sizing. This ensures that the paint adheres properly to the fabric.

**4. Practice Your Technique**

Before you start airbrushing your shirt, spend some time practicing your technique on a piece of scrap fabric or paper. Experiment with different airbrush pressures, paint flow, and hand movements to get a feel for how the airbrush gun works.

**5. Apply the Design**

Once you feel comfortable with your technique, it's time to apply the design to your shirt. If you're using stencils, carefully position them on the shirt and secure them in place with painter's tape. Adjust the airbrush gun settings to achieve the desired paint flow and begin airbrushing the design onto the shirt.

**6. Take Your Time**

Airbrushing shirts requires patience and attention to detail. Take your time to ensure that each layer of paint is applied evenly and allow each layer to dry before applying the next one. Avoid rushing the process, as this can lead to smudges or uneven coverage.

**7. Add Details and Highlights**

Once the base design is complete, you can add details and highlights to enhance the overall look of the shirt. Use finer airbrush tips and lighter paint shades to create intricate details and highlights that make your design pop.

**8. Let the Shirt Dry**

Once you're satisfied with the design, allow the shirt to dry completely before wearing or handling it. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for drying times and heat setting the paint, if necessary, to ensure it adheres properly to the fabric.

**9. Care for Your Airbrushed Shirt**

To ensure the longevity of your airbrushed shirt, wash it inside out in cold water and avoid using harsh detergents or bleach. Hang the shirt to dry or tumble dry on low heat to prevent the paint from fading or cracking.

With practice and patience, you can master the art of airbrushing shirts and create stunning designs that showcase your creativity and style. So, grab your airbrush kit and start turning plain shirts into works of art!
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