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Hyun Min is the sole survivor of an accident which took the lives of his parents. Is there a special reason why he was the only one who survived? Is it a curse or a blessing? One day he discovers a book in his parents belongings. His life will never be the same again... What will the future hold for him? Is there something in his family's past? One clan is after him and another is out to protect him.
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7 Anime Clowns That Will Haunt Your Nightmares
Clowns as a horror device are relatively new. You can thank Edgar Allen Poe, Ruggero Leoncavallo's Pagliacci opera, and actual clown serial killer John Wayne Gacy for planting the seed and of course, Stephen King's It for nurturing it to get what we have now. You'll be hard pressed to find a person who actually likes clowns.  Anime, like other modes of popular entertainment, has also created its share of sinister jokers, jesters, and pierrots to give audiences the heebie-jeebies. 1. Buggy (One Piece)  You're sailing the high seas in search of treasure while building long-lasting friendships with your rough-and-tumble crew when, all of a sudden, you're ambushed by pirates!  But these pirates aren't the bearded, peg-legged types. No, these circus freaks of every kind answer to a hyper-sensitive clown.  Buggy's sensitivity is tied to his round, red nose. Yes, his schnoz isn't ornamental, it's the real deal, and he's been known to slau
Sep 02, 2017
Vues 1425
7 "Beauty and the Beast" Anime Couples That Will Change Your Perspective on Love
The two in a couple usually work as a equalization act for each other, with the "beauty" usually calming the impulses of the "beast." Of course, love comes in all shapes and sizes and faces and places, so we gather here to celebrate the strangest anime couples. In some alternative cases the "beast" is hardly what he or she seems to be and may be a victim of stereotypes. If they were solely given an opportunity, everybody would see their love is just beyond imagination. 7. Nanami/Tomoe (Kamisama Kiss) Tomoe may be a fox yokai, presently serving because the acquainted of Nanami. Her idealistic belief that humans and yokai will live and love along in peace may be a constant supply of competition between Nanami and Tomoe. It's uncertain that the pair's romantic attraction for each other would grow if he was a Tengu or a possessed pot.   6. Shuuji/Chise (SaiKano) The war is a scene for the story of Chise's relationship along with Shuuji. World Healt
Sep 02, 2017
Vues 983
6 Anime Movies That Will Change the Way You View Anime
Many people in the world have the wrong idea about anime. They assume it is always big robots fighting big mechs, and they would not be that mistaken, actually.  So how about we talk about 6 anime movies that will change the way you look at anime?  These six movies will not only change the way you look at anime, but change the way you look at cinema as a whole (as well as reflect how many American directors steal ideas and shots from these films under the assumption no one will notice). 1. Asura Do you understand nature versus nurture? The idea that a child left alone to fend for itself will become like an animal, and a child who is loved and cared for will become gentle? Asura shows us that story in anime form, and the power of the movie and message will leave you floored.  This movie could also be called “Life Is Super Cruel” because watching what this young boy endures (and what it turns him into) is heart breaking and un
Sep 02, 2017
Vues 565
15 Completely Unrealistic Comic Book Bodies That Will Confuse You
By their very nature, superheroes aren't supposed to hold any particular verisimilitude to you or I as actual people.  However, it's hard for society not to internalize these idols as perfect physical beings. Over time, the unrealistic body images for heroes in comics have become more and more pronounced.  Here’re 15 definitive examples of unrealistic body image standards in comic books. 1. Captain America It looks like Captain America ate America. Yikes.   2. Enchantress YOWZA, great job Rob Liefeld! Prepubescent boys love looooooooong legs! Really looooooooong legs! Like, so loooooong that the character must clearly have a crippling deformity! AAAAWHOOOOOOGAAAA! 3. Namor Which has more muscles: Namor or the ocean? Answer: The Ocean. But Namor is still jacked as hell in this picture.  4. Wolverine What adorable little arms. Most people don't realize that Wolverine is actual based on a T-Rex.  5. Avengelyne an
Sep 02, 2017
Vues 1149
7 Cute Beauty & The Beast Couples That Will Change Your Perspective on Love
One character is capable of immense, sometimes even supernatural strength while their partner is an example of grace and elegance.  The two work as a balancing act for one another, with the "beauty" often calming the impulses of the "beast." In other cases the "beast" is hardly what he or she appears to be and is a victim of stereotypes.  If they were only given a chance, everyone would see they aren't interested in beating kids up and taking their lunch money. 7. Nanami / Tomoe (Kamisama Kiss)  Nanami is a down-on-her-luck girl who, through a series of both fortunate and unfortunate circumstances, becomes the god of a shrine when the real deity bails. Homeless, Nanami decided to shack up there, only to find its resident yokai is none too pleased to see her.  Tomoe is a fox yokai, one of the few supernatural entities in Japanese lore that are actually attractive. It's doubtful that the pair's romantic attraction for one another would
Sep 02, 2017
Vues 676
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May 25, 2020
Will Kiribaku become canon
Luiz Marcelo95016
Luiz Marcelo95016
Aug 13, 2018
#Combatants-Will-Be-Dispatched-Me encanta x3
Te hace falta un 
Te hace falta un Chocman ❄️❄️❄️
Aug 12, 2018
#Combatants-Will-Be-Dispatched!B loz :v
Elise Elleneth
Elise Elleneth
Dec 20, 2018
I will be uploading ONESHOT stories... 😊
Aug 13, 2018
#Combatants-Will-Be-Dispatched-love de girls!!!!!