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Hu Reum no longer has a family, and so now must go live with her cousins. Will she find her first love? Will she let barriers stand between it? So far, a pretty funny story with an ensemble of four guys (ranging in personalities) and the girl, Hu Reum.
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10 DC Comics Films That DC Doesn't Want You To See
Who knows why DC Comics took so long to get on the ball and compete with Marvel in the world of cinema? As they’ve had a number of box office flops and critically panned failures on their hands. Let’s take a look at 10 cinematic misfires experienced by DC, hope their recently announced future films are better than these. 1. Constantine  Many felt that the film only loosely drew from the comic book source material. The most notable change was turning the titular blonde Brit into a raven-haired American. Viewers were also made privy to the fact that Bush front-man Gavin Rossdale most definitely can’t act. 2. The Return of Swamp Thing  This film decided to take Wes Craven’s horror send-up of the character and turn it into something more comedic in tone. It was described in the New York Times as “it means to be funnier than it ever is” which isn’t good for a comedy. When the films were exte
Sep 02, 2017
Vues 384
Don’t Look!: 15 Comics You Don’t Want Your Mom To See You Reading
Given their roots as entertainment meant for children, it’s not surprising that most comic books throughout the ages have been safe for everyone to read — whether it was by your eight-year old little sister or your 40-year old dad. Their family friendly nature is a big part of their appeal, and part of why half the entertainment on television and in theaters for the past few years has been an adaptation of some comic book. RELATED: 15 Marvel Stories Stan Lee Wishes You Would Forget But not every comic can boast that family friendly label, and for this list CBR collects 15 of the most risque, raunchy and violent comics in the business. Never mind “Bang! Zoom! Comics Aren’t For Kids”, these comics aren’t even for some adults! Some of them are light offenders and guilty of nothing more than a little cheesecake on the covers. The remainder, though…have done a lot more to earn their place on this list: the further you go up the list, the more likely you are to see something unsavory, or ma
Sep 12, 2017
Vues 2127
15 Comic Book Panels Marvel Doesn’t Want You To See
It’s essentially impossible to avoid controversy if you’re a major comic book publisher. In fact, quite often, comic book companies like Marvel and DC actively court controversy in an attempt to get publicity to help sell more comics. This, though, is controversy where they stand behind their work. In other words, when Marvel makes Thor a woman, they know that they are going to ruffle some feathers, but at the same time, they also know that Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman are doing a hell of a job on the adventures of Jane Foster, the female Thor. Thus, they are more than willing to court controversy on behalf of that story. RELATED: X-Plicit: 15 Most Controversial X-Men Stories The problem, then, is when something is controversial and Marvel isn’t proud of the story. In cases like that, the stories tend to be swept under the proverbial rug, and that’s totally fine. Honestly, there are plenty of stories that should be wiped off of the record because they’re quite shameful, most of t
Sep 12, 2017
Vues 916
Fant4stic: 16 Dark Secrets They Do Not Want You To Know
The Fantastic Four hasn’t fared too well in terms of movie adaptations. The first movie in 1994 was so problematic, it was never even released to theaters. The first Fantastic Four movie released in theaters was in 2005 and it was panned by critics, but earned enough to get Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer in 2007. The sequel didn’t earn as much as the first, so 20th Century Fox canceled the sequel. In 2015, Fox released Fantastic Four (or Fant4stic), intended to reboot the franchise. It was an even bigger disaster and became one of the most hated superhero movies of all time. RELATED: The Unreleased Fantastic Four Movie: 15 Dark Secrets You Never Knew The critics complained about the dark tone, bland story and weak special effects while audiences thought it didn’t capture the fun and excitement they came to expect from a comic book movie. Since its release, the future of the Fantastic Four on the silver screen has been in doubt. Marvel Studios didn’t produce Fantastic Four,
Oct 02, 2017
Vues 648
15 Embarrassing Roles That DCEU Actors Want You To Forget
The art of acting, pretending to be someone you’re not and representing that person in a visual narrative, can’t be an easy job. Especially in a society where celebrity idolatry is an essential cornerstone of civilization. Especially in a world where the internet records every mistake you can possibly make for future generations to witness. Especially in a world where talent and booking agents occasionally make career-ruin decisions for their clients that end up shaming them later. Especially in an industry where shared cinematic universes have become the hottest craze and quality of work is overlooked in favor of world building. RELATED: 15 Embarrassing Roles That MCU Stars Want Us To Forget Yes, it must be very difficult to be an actor these days. Perhaps nobody knows this more than the collective cast of the DC Extended Universe. After only three films, the series has produced only one verifiably good movie and, despite having a range of talent on screen, has only successfully used
Oct 03, 2017
Vues 1674
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raven blossom
raven blossom
Jul 09, 2021
which character do you want only 2 if you want to but only sceenshots if do you want to
Maya Maya53951
Maya Maya53951
Oct 25, 2020
If you want more puts like😉.
Gabriela Bentes22045
Gabriela Bentes22045
Aug 21, 2018
#I-want-to-Kiss-you-in-that-MomentMT fofinho
Houdda Houdhoud
Houdda Houdhoud
Mar 26, 2021
Hi 😄😄. How are you all ?? I want to ask you, is there an Arab here ??🤔🤔
Crissy Mulligan
Crissy Mulligan
Oct 19, 2019
when your friend askes you to do there homwork when you don't want to