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Langue: Français
Seung-ah, who works for the Cosmetics company, recently participated in the Hotel Amenity contest held at the Seojin Hotel as a team project but failed to make it out of the preliminaries. Seung-ah and her co-workers who worked very hard in this contest came in an agreement to meet the officials of Seojin Hotel. Somehow, when they found out that there was something between Seung-ah and Seo Jin-hyung, the successor of Seojin Hotel, during the time at their university, they all counted on her. In fact, Seung-ah confessed to Jin-hyung because she loved him unrequitedly in college, but she didn't like it because she had a painful memory of being dumped. But, she took the courage for the company and contacted him. Of course, she thought she would be rejected, but Jin-hyung accepted the meeting and welcomed Seung-ah very warmly on the day they finally met. Jin-hyung brought up the story of the Seojin Hotel contest and said, "Seung-ah, I fell for you!" Why would a handsome chaebol heir, who should have nothing to worry about, do this to me?! Please look forward to Seung-ah's cheerful and lively cosmic romance!
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Project Superpowers: Hero Killers #4 (Preview)
“You know what’s cool? Being a superhero. You know what’s cooler than cool? Killing anyone in my way that makes me seem like less of a super cool superhero and tries to make me look like the chump that my former boss used to make me out to be, but I sure showed him when I deathrayed him and now who is the big man super hero? I am! That’s who! And everyone likes me! And if someone doesn’t, I will karate chop them so hard, they will change the word karate to Tim!!!” – Excerpt from Tim’s daily affirmation
Sep 04, 2017
Vues 653
Project Superpowers: Hero Killers #3 (Preview)
IF YOU DON’T WANT ANY TROUBLE, DON’T GIVE SOMEONE THE KEY TO THE CITY AND THEN TAKE IT AWAY! IT’S AS SIMPLE AS THAT! WHY IS THAT SO HARD?! I’M SORRY I’M YELLING, I JUST FEEL VERY STRONGLY ABOUT THIS! (takes a deep breath) Okay, so Tim and crew are in even more trouble than they realize as their star is on the rise…and fall…and rise again? And it seems that maybe you just can’t deathray your way out of your problems…
Sep 04, 2017
Vues 587
Project Superpowers: Hero Killers #2 (Preview)
Oh man oh man oh man! Okay! Everybody cool out! We just need a second here and we will figure this out. Or not. I don’t know. Tim and the gang messed up pretty big and I’m not sure how they are going to handle it. And not just them. How are the superheroes gonna deal with this? Captain Battle doesn’t seem too easygoing…not with a name like CAPTAIN BATTLE! Let’s just think about this logically. Maybe Sparky, Captain Battle Jr., and Tim can turn this monumental screw-up to their advantage. I mean, they have a lot of inside information and maybe a town without crime isn’t so great after all…
Sep 04, 2017
Vues 608
Project Superpowers: Hero Killers #1 (Preview)
Welcome to Libertyville U.S.A.! Home of too damn many superheroes! Watch out, crime, here comes Captain Battle Jr.! And Sparky! And Tim! Yeah, you know…Tim! What? You’ve never heard of them? Huh. Well, it’s hard to be a sidekick when there is a city full of capes running around stopping every misdemeanor with a spandex wrapped flourish. Now watch as things get weird when three lad companions (totally not weird) try to get to the criminals before their bosses do! From the insanity-riddled minds of Ryan Browne (God Hates Astronauts) and Pete Woods (Robin, Deadpool). Prepare to feel the wrath of Tim!
Sep 04, 2017
Vues 594
Project Superpowers: Blackcross Collection TPB (Preview)
All small towns have secrets. All small towns have ghosts. Blackcross, in America’s Pacific Northwest, has more secrets than most… and it is being haunted by something impossible. Something is reaching out from the other side of the night, through the forest and mist of this remote town, to grasp at the hearts of a handful of people… and they may not discover why they’re being hunted until it’s much too late. Forget what you know about Project Superpowers, as award-winning writer Warren Ellis and artist Colton Worley take readers on a sinister journey away from the brightly-clad heroes of the Golden Age, and into the shadows of Blackcross, a supernatural noir thriller of ordinary people stalked by an otherworldly killer.
Sep 05, 2017
Vues 276
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