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Alternative (s): Karisuma
Langue: Français
Okazaki est un enfant heureux. Choyé par des parents aimants, adoré pas ses camarades de classe dont il est le sympathique bout en train attitré, Okazaki est l’archétype même du gamin de la classe moyenne japonaise des années soixante-dix. Protégé par la bulle économique de l’époque et entouré d’affection, Okazaki se dirige, avec toute l’insouciance de ses douze ans, vers une vie d’adulte paisible. Mais l’existence impose souvent ses épreuves les plus dures à ce qui y sont le moins préparés. Tout commence lorsque la grand-mère d’Okazaki tombe gravement malade. Sa mère désemparée, tombe dans les filets d’une secte. Rapidement les choses dégénèrent. Douce par nature, elle devient violente et autoritaire à outrance, frappant régulièrement son fils, et même son mari. Ouverte sur le monde, elle devient intolérante, et en particuliers sur les choses de la religion : son nouveau « maître spirituel » lui enseigne que tous ceux qui ne sont pas avec eux sont contre eux. Pire encore, ils ne sont que des créatures du « Démon » ! C’est ainsi qu’aux fils des mois, Okazaki sent sa mère s’éloigner de son père et de lui-même, devenu des étrangers pour cette femme persuadée qu’ils ne comprennent pas que grâce à son « maître », ils seront sauvés de la damnation. Et lorsqu’aux bouts de plusieurs mois, le père, complètement dépassé par les excès de sa femme littéralement rendu folle par le lavage de cerveau occasionné par la secte décide de la faire interner dans un hôpital psychiatrique, il ne se doute pas qu’il va provoquer chez elle une réaction qui va faire basculer le destin de son fils.
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9 Male Anime Characters Who Are Even More Charismatic Than the Females
Handsome, cute, fine, gorgeous... is not enough to describe these male characters in anime. These 9 male anime characters have several things going for them that makes them beautiful: their aloofness, their hair, a certain design on their face, the way they tease with words or caress her face, even how they move in action scenes. 1. Tomoe from Kamisama Kiss Tomoe is not only deadly alluring with a charming smile and wicked long white hair.   2. Usui Takumi from Maid Sama Aside from having blond hair, having a half British heritage and knowing exactly what seductive words to use and make Misaki blush-Usui loves alone, has keen fashion sense and is only vulnerable to Misaki's punches and screams of "We hate you!" 3.Van Fanel from Visions of Escaflowne Van Fanel may seem brutal and moody, but those are passionate terms for someone in love with their beloved Fanelia and the precious planet Gaea. He is also half Draconian so he has these e
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20 Awesome Anime Characters Who Are too Charismatic to Forget
Is there some anime guys that you just can't hate, no matter what? They know exactly what they are doing and they do it in the most perfect way. Even some of them might be the most badass characters you've seen in anime. You have to admit that these guys are deadly attractive. Here are 20 awesome anime character who are too charismatic to forget. 1. Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya) A complete oddball thats for sure. She has charisma, strength in the most weird way and possibly the biggest bee yatch in anime. She is different unique, she wants espers, time travellers and aliens as her friends. Her melancholy is something to be afraid of and thats what makes her Charismatic character. 2. Koko Hekmatyar (Jormungand) Koko is one of my favourite character for a reason, she is extremely charismatic and bold, which earned her great success in her business as well as the fierce loyalty of her subordinates. While generally behaving in
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Charismagic #1
It’s a brand new month, and with it comes another entry into Aspen Comics’ “10 for 10” extravaganza. May’s offering comes in the form of “Charismagic” Volume 2 #1, written by Vince Hernandez with art by Vincenzo Cucca and Mark Roslan, colors by Emilio Lopez and letters from Josh Reed. The book introduces over a half-dozen characters in a rather quick clip. Those characters do not enjoy a lot of character development, but rather play towards advancing the plot, which places the lead characters Hank and Sudana in the path of a mystical invasion. Surprisingly, the brisk pacing of the comic provides enough for readers to just jump in and read without tending to the 6-point recap paragraph on the inside front cover. The problem is the issue’s rather by-the-numbers invasion story with devastating secrets held back. Hernandez doesn’t waste time with details of how these characters relate to one another, he simply writes their interactions and reactions to the pending doom. That makes for l
Sep 05, 2017
Vues 170
I’m not sure what to make of all of this, save for the fact that this story is going to involve magic and, apparently, griffins. This first issue bounces around a bit, showing off some griffins and other magic users. The evil being known as Samsun has been banished to a magic-laced Phantom Zone-like dimension known as the Void Realm, a story told to the reader as it is told to a pair of patrons at a diner. The person telling the tale is the young lady shown on the cover of this issue, and apparently her name is Sudana. Sudana is rallying troops against the inevitable return of Samsun, which she deems as being near. The company she keeps figures if you’re going to go, may as well go out with a bang, so they leave Sudana behind and hit the road. I’m not sure what to make of Sudana. Is she a nutjob, a cool character, or something in between? For now, she strikes me as an interesting lead character that could trend towards Mercy Thompson. Randolph’s art is loose and cartoony, which ma
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Unveiling the Timeless Elegance: The Charismatic World of Black Quartz Rings
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