Êtes-vous sûr que personne ne s’invite chez vous pendant votre absence ? Ne vous est-il jamais arrivé, en regagnant votre domicile à la fin de la journée, de remarquer d’infimes changements ? Un coussin qui aurait légèrement changé de place sur le canapé, une bouteille de jus de fruits un peu moins remplie que lorsque vous l’avez rangée dans le réfrigérateur le matin, une bouteille de shampoing que vous étiez persuadé d’avoir refermée mais que vous trouvez ouverte ? Vous vous êtes fait la remarque, puis vous êtes passé à autre chose, car après tout, c’est très probablement votre mémoire qui vous joue des tours, quoi d’autre... Pour Yoko, c’est la réalité. Ordinaire à premier vue, cette jeune fille de 21 ans s’est évaporée pour échapper à sa vie « d’avant ». Nous ne la voyons pas, mais elle est là, juste sous nos yeux : elle vit chez nous pendant notre absence, allant d’un appartement à un autre selon ses besoins et ses envies. Si cette nouvelle existence se déroule dans l’insouciance et l’enthousiasme, Yoko déchante rapidement. Elle se croit seule dans son cas, elle va découvrir toute une société parallèle où la violence est omniprésente. Immigrés clandestins, criminels en cavale ou simples citoyens ayant tourné le dos à la société pour des raisons plus ou moins avouables, les sangsues se disputent nos domiciles, qu’elles appellent des nids, s’affrontent dans de sanglantes guerres de territoire et se livrent à des vendettas qui tournent volontiers au massacre.
17 VF
Jan 30, 2019
The stage is Asakusa, Tokyo. Middle schooler Kazuki has quit the football club, without telling his childhood friend (or maybe more?) Enta, and is now doing everything he can - no the consequences - to connect with 'that person'. When the delinquent Toi transfers into his class, he and Kazuki end up destroying the local Kappa statue - angering the prince of the Kappa, Keppi, who turns the 3 boys into Kappa by stealing their Shirikodama, the soul-containing organ located in the anus. Now, in order to return to being human, the boys must steal the Shirikodama of the 'Kappa zombies' that have appeared and are feeding on the desires of Asakusa denizens. Can the boys succesfully connect together and defeat the zombies? And if so, what dark secrets will be revealed through the 'Sarazanmai' process? Meanwhile, local cop duo Niiboshi Reo and Akutsu Mabu are the ones behind the "Desire exploitation" process creating the Kappa Zombies. Who are they taking orders from? What secrets do they have in their past, and can their relationship survive the fallout? This complete manga adaptation of anime Sarazanmai by director Kunihiko Ikuhara (Sailor Moon, Utena Penguindrum) explores themes from queer love and sexuality, to the strains of sibling relationships and the struggles of connecting in today's world of smartphones and SNS, and is uniquely illustrated by original character designer Migi. [Note 1: For those wondering about the other Sarazanmai manga, Reo and Mabu ~Together they're Sarazanmai~ - that series is a canon spinoff manga following the cops Reo and Mabu. This manga is a complete adaptation of the anime set in its' own continuity] [Note 2: For those coming here from the anime, it's been stated that the manga will have some story differences from the anime, so it's worth checking this out too!]
May 25, 2019
Sarou No Ryoshuu
Sarou No Ryoshuu
A collection of oneshots some which are related with a final chapter linking all the dashing guys together. 1) Prisoner of the Desert Businessman lackey Hibiki thought his one night stand with Prince Zyad in Japan would be the last time he would see the handsome sheik. But when he visits Zyad's country and is falsely imprisoned as a spy, there's only one man he can turn to. 2) Embraced by Guiltiness When there's a press leak at the ministry, everyone falls under suspicion. When ladies man Yura discovers Shirase's lover is a man and a member of the press he decides to use the information to get Shirase into bed. But Shirase still has a much more damaging secret... 3) The Long Night Policeman Kayano is investigating the spy in the ministry. His no. one suspect: ex-college friend and current lover Takashina. Can there be a relationship without trust? What is Takashina hiding? 4) Escort With frequent violent attacks on his person, analyst Asami Shinobu is assigned a 24 hour bodyguard to keep him safe. Unfortunatly his bodyguard is a former one night stand named Saeki Yuuji. With Saeki in his personal space at all times, Asami's feelings are getting more tangled up. 5) Suite Love Hotel attendant Kuga is assigned to serve Japanese-American businessman Touno. But this isn't the first time they've met, they have a past together as college students in America that Touno isn't about to let Kuga forget about. 6) The Morning Scene Each couple is observed at 6 a.m. from Kayano and Takashina in Tokyo, to Kuga and Touno in Los Angeles.
Sep 23, 2020