Though I May Be A Villainess, I'll Show You I Can Obtain Happiness!
Though I May Be A Villainess, I'll Show You I Can Obtain Happiness!
Annuled Engagements, Take That's, Condemnation Events, Doting, Royals, Reincarnated Heroines, Banishment's fully loaded with all the charms of Villainess'!! A comicalization of 5 popular villainess stories from Shousetsuka ni Narou!! An anthology of 5 oneshots with happy endings!! LINEUP "The Villainess Will Obtain True Love" Hoshino Osome, Author: Nekomata Doremi An annulled engagement at a graduation party?! "The Tale of the Noble Girl who will go to a Monastery after her Engagement Annulment" Sorakura SHIJIKI, Author: Yuuki Satoru Banishment after her younger sister steals her fiance?! "I Will Definitely Get My Engagement Annulled! ~I will become a Villainess!" Kuroe Yui, Author: Reiga Utsuho To break off her engagement, she harasses the daughter of a Baron?! "Shall We Walk Hand in Hand Down the Flowery Path of Evil?" Yamashiro Umemayuge, Author: Mafuyubi After her engagement is annulled, she gets married to a fat old baldy?! "The Villainess Trifles with the Second Prince's First Love" Oshitsuji Ei, Author: Mizuno Saaya After being condemned, the second prince appears before me... ----------------- A sudden engagement annulment, and a quickly approaching condemnation event...!! Tossed aside by the prince, and getting married to this man...?! All the fiances are crazy about the lovely little sister?! The one to reach out their hand to the villainess who just had her engagement annulled is...?! Despite all the Villainess' stories starting off in dire straights, in the end they're...all happy endings♪ "Shousetsuka ni Narou"'s popular oneshots are gathered here to leave you feeling satisfied in this Villainess Anthology!!
Chapitres 5
Jan 14, 2024
Valkyrie Resistance
Valkyrie Resistance
The new challenge for the Olympic gods is to maintain stability between the various worlds, which because of the Ragnarok that dominates them, are in total despair. One day, however, a human was chosen by destiny in total destruction to guide the deities and heroes towards the end of the chaos, as a "guiding beacon", for them with the aim of guiding them towards the light of this infinite gallery... But one day a boy, at the same time, made his appearance out of nowhere in one of the lands of a harvest deity. What connects the two facts? What is fate really? Two stories, two futures, one mission. An all-Italian story based on the Japanese video game, Valkyrie Connect. The story will follow different events, all different from each other, but all with a single goal for the salvation of the destiny of each species that will have purity in its heart to face any difficulty. Plot in other languages: Spoiler * NOTE: if there are translation errors in the chapters, report it. Thanks so much! Italian/Italiano: La nuova sfida per gli dei dell'Olimpo è quella di mantenere la stabilità tra i vari mondi, che a causa del Ragnarok che li domina, sono nella totale disperazione. Un giorno, tuttavia, un umano è stato scelto dal destino nella più totale distruzione per guidare le divinità e gli eroi verso la fine del caos, come un "faro guida", per loro, allo scopo di guidarli verso la luce di questa infinita galleria... Ma un giorno un ragazzo, allo stesso tempo, fece la sua comparsa dal nulla in una delle terre di una divinità del raccolto. Cosa collega i due fatti? Che cos'è davvero il destino? Due storie, due futuri, una missione. Una storia tutta italiana basata sul videogioco giapponese, Valkyrie Connect. La storia seguirà eventi diversi, tutti diversi l'uno dall'altro, ma tutti con un unico obiettivo per la salvezza del destino di ogni specie che avrà la purezza nel suo cuore per affrontare qualsiasi difficoltà. French/Français: Le nouveau défi pour les dieux olympiques est de maintenir la stabilité entre les différents mondes qui, à cause de la domination de Ragnarok, sont désespérés. L'un d'eux, cependant, a été choisi par le destin dans la destruction totale pour guider les divinités et les héros jusqu'à la fin du chaos, comme le «phare de guidage» pour les guider. vers la lumière de cette galerie infinie. ... mais un jour, un garçon est apparu de nulle part dans l'un des pays d'une divinité de la moisson. Qu'est-ce qui unit les deux faits? Quel est vraiment le destin? Deux histoires, deux futurs, une mission. Toute l'histoire en italien basée sur le jeu vidéo japonais Valkyrie Connect. L'histoire suivra différents événements, tous différents les uns des autres, mais tous avec un objectif pour le salut du destin de chaque espèce qui aura la pureté dans son cœur pour faire face à toute difficulté. Spanish/Español: El nuevo desafío para los dioses olímpicos es mantener la estabilidad entre los diversos mundos, que debido a la dominación de Ragnarok están en total desesperación. Uno, sin embargo, fue elegido por el destino en total destrucción para guiar a las deidades y héroes al final del caos, como un "faro guía" para ellos, con el fin de guiarlos a la luz de esta galería infinita. ... pero un día, un niño, al mismo tiempo, apareció de la nada en una de las tierras de una deidad de la cosecha. ¿Qué une los dos hechos? ¿Qué es el destino realmente? Dos historias, dos futuros, una misión. Toda la historia en italiano se basa en el videojuego japonés Valkyrie Connect. La historia seguirá diferentes eventos, todos diferentes entre sí, pero todos con el objetivo de salvar el destino de cada especie, que tendrá la pureza del corazón para enfrentar cualquier dificultad. Portuguese/Português: O novo desafio para os deuses olímpicos é manter a estabilidade entre os vários mundos, que devido ao domínio dos Ragnarok, estão em total desespero. Um deles, no entanto, foi escolhido pelo destino em total destruição para guiar as divindades e os heróis até o fim do caos, como um "farol guia", para eles, a fim de guiá-los à luz dessa galeria infinita. ... mas um dia um garoto, ao mesmo tempo, apareceu do nada em uma das terras de uma divindade da colheita. O que une os dois fatos? O que é realmente o destino? Duas histórias, dois futuros, uma missão. A história toda em italiano é baseada no videogame japonês Valkyrie Connect. A história seguirá eventos diferentes, todos diferentes entre si, mas todos com o objetivo de salvar o destino de cada espécie, que terá pureza no coração para enfrentar qualquer dificuldade. Maltese/Malti: L-isfida l-ġdida għall-allat Olimpiċi hija li żżomm l-istabbiltà bejn id-diversi dinjiet, li minħabba r-Ragnarok li tiddominahom, huma fid-disprament totali. Darba minnhom, madankollu, bniedem ġie magħżul mid-destin fil-qerda totali biex jiggwida d-deitajiet u l-eroj lejn it-tmiem tal-kaos, bħala "xempju ta 'gwida", għalihom, sabiex jiggwidahom lejn id-dawl ta' din il-gallerija infinita. ... iżda xi darba tifel, fl-istess ħin, għamel id-dehra tiegħu minn mkien f'waħda mill-artijiet ta 'divinità tal-ħsad. X’inhu dak li jgħaqqad iż-żewġ fatti? X'inhu d-destin tassew? Żewġ stejjer, żewġ futures, missjoni waħda. Storja kollha bit-Taljan ibbażata fuq il-video game Ġappuniż, Valkyrie Connect. L-istorja se ssegwi ġrajjiet differenti, kollha differenti minn xulxin, iżda kollha b’għan wieħed għas-salvazzjoni tad-destin ta ’kull speċi li se jkollha safa f’qalbu biex tiffaċċja kwalunkwe diffikultà.
Vol. 1 Spécial
May 15, 2020
I’m Only A Stepmother, But My Daughter Is Just So Cute! (Promo)
I’m Only A Stepmother, But My Daughter Is Just So Cute! (Promo)
An alternate retelling of Snow White with a reincarnated Stepmother… I managed to get myself thrown into a story as a stepmother so jealous of her daughter that she tried to kill the girl with a poisoned apple. I’d love it if I could shower my cute and lovely Blanche with all sorts of affection, but– “Hilarious. Since when did you like Blanche so much?” This god-damned husband keeps getting in my way! “I am Blanche’s parent as well. I demand an apology for being so suspicious of me.” “And if I don’t?” “I’ll visit your bedroom tonight, your majesty.” “…..” “I even managed to get some really sexy panties just for you.” With a big smile on my face, I struck him with a critical hit. “I could show it to you right now if you’d like?” The look on his face was truly something to behold. I lifted my chin, and looked down on him victoriously. Russian / Русский: SpoilerЭто альтернативная история о Белоснежке, в которой я переродилась её мачехой… Я оказалась в мире книги, в которой мачеха так завидовала своей падчерице, что попыталась убить её отравленным яблоком. Так бы и произошло, если бы моя милая прелестная симпатяжка-Бланш не сумела меня пленить… — Забавно. С каких это пор ты так привязана к Бланш? Этот мужчина, будь он проклят, продолжает мне мешать! ー Бланш и моя дочь тоже. Я требую, чтобы ты извинился передо мной за свои подозрения. ー А если я откажусь? ー Сегодня вечером ждите меня в своей спальне, Ваше Величество. ー … ー Ради вас мне даже удалось достать невероятно сексуальные трусики. — С широкой улыбкой на лице я нанесла ему удар ниже пояса. ー Если пожелаете, то я могу показать их Вам прямо сейчас. Видели бы вы выражение его лица… Я подняла свой подбородок и победно посмотрела на него сверху вниз.
Mar 12, 2023