I’m Only A Stepmother, But My Daughter Is Just So Cute! (Promo)
I’m Only A Stepmother, But My Daughter Is Just So Cute! (Promo)
An alternate retelling of Snow White with a reincarnated Stepmother… I managed to get myself thrown into a story as a stepmother so jealous of her daughter that she tried to kill the girl with a poisoned apple. I’d love it if I could shower my cute and lovely Blanche with all sorts of affection, but– “Hilarious. Since when did you like Blanche so much?” This god-damned husband keeps getting in my way! “I am Blanche’s parent as well. I demand an apology for being so suspicious of me.” “And if I don’t?” “I’ll visit your bedroom tonight, your majesty.” “…..” “I even managed to get some really sexy panties just for you.” With a big smile on my face, I struck him with a critical hit. “I could show it to you right now if you’d like?” The look on his face was truly something to behold. I lifted my chin, and looked down on him victoriously. Russian / Русский: SpoilerЭто альтернативная история о Белоснежке, в которой я переродилась её мачехой… Я оказалась в мире книги, в которой мачеха так завидовала своей падчерице, что попыталась убить её отравленным яблоком. Так бы и произошло, если бы моя милая прелестная симпатяжка-Бланш не сумела меня пленить… — Забавно. С каких это пор ты так привязана к Бланш? Этот мужчина, будь он проклят, продолжает мне мешать! ー Бланш и моя дочь тоже. Я требую, чтобы ты извинился передо мной за свои подозрения. ー А если я откажусь? ー Сегодня вечером ждите меня в своей спальне, Ваше Величество. ー … ー Ради вас мне даже удалось достать невероятно сексуальные трусики. — С широкой улыбкой на лице я нанесла ему удар ниже пояса. ー Если пожелаете, то я могу показать их Вам прямо сейчас. Видели бы вы выражение его лица… Я подняла свой подбородок и победно посмотрела на него сверху вниз.
Mar 12, 2023
Is It Tough Being A Friend?
Is It Tough Being A Friend?
English: My first impression of Ryuuga was “This is the kind of protagonist you’d see in something like an anime.” Then, that thought soon changed into conviction. First of all, this guy almost never talks about his past. Also, he frequently slips out of class. As soon as he comes back, he gets extremely tired, blood comes out from his lips, the sleeves and cuffs of his uniform get torn, and so forth. Furthermore, there’s always beauties that are surrounding Ryuuga. The one who’s like an idol within the school, Yukimiya Shiori. The cool expert of the sword, Aogasaki Rei. The mysterious transfer student, Elmira McCartney. It’s very tiring for me when these people appear in front of Ryuuga. I have to frantically make a fuss by saying things like “H, hey Ryuga! How did you get acquainted with Yukimiya!”, “W, why did the beautiful swordswoman Aogasaki come to the classroom to specifically meet Ryuga?!”, or “E, E, Elmira! What is it that you see in Ryuga!” …So why am I doing this? That’s because I, Kobayashi Ichirou, am a pro at being a friend. My life’s calling is to support Hinomori Ryuuga, the protagonist amongst protagonists, as a close friend character. ―Let the curtains open for the rom-com presented by co-starring best friend, Kobayashi Ichirou! Based from a popular LN now in Manga form! Portuguese / Português: Spoiler Eu encontrei meu herói ideal! Meu amigo Hinomori Ryuuga. O melhor amigo que fiz no ensino médio. Minha primeira impressão dele foi: “É como um personagem heroico de um anime”. E essa impressão rapidamente mudou. Por um lado, ele quase nunca fala sobre seu passado. Ele muitas vezes pula as aulas e quando ele volta, sua boca está sagrando, ou suas roupas estão rasgadas ou algo assim. Além disso, há sempre lindas garotas ao seu redor. A ídolo da escola Yukimiya Shiori, a linda espadachim, Aogasaki Satori, a misteriosa aluna transferida, Elmira Maccatney. Toda vez que elas aparecem ao redor de Ryuuga, eu me sinto extremamente cansado. Isso porque toda vez que elas se envolvem com ele, eu me vejo desesperadamente gritando coisas como: “E-Ei, Ryuuga! Como você é amigo da Yukimiya-san ?!” E “P-por que uma bela espadachim como Aogasaki-san veio à nossa turma para te ver Ryuuga ?!” E “Elmira-san! Veio ver o Ryuuga ?!” ... Então, por que eu faço isso? É porque eu, Kobayashi Ichiro, sou um amigo profissional. Desempenhar o papel do melhor amigo que apoia Hinomori Ryuuga, o herói dos heróis, é o meu estilo de vida. O começo de uma comédia romântica apresentada pelo personagem secundário, Melhor amigo, Kobayashi!
Chapitres 7
Feb 17, 2023