There Was A Hero
There Was A Hero
You want me to become the hero’s experience points and loot??? With pleasure!!! A hero who bravely ventures forth to defeat evil, and a monster (named El) whose sole life goal is to be killed by said finally confronted by the hero's party after dreaming about a comfortable afterlife for so long! But... The hero is way too weak! Everyone except one was wiped out by El’s attack. When his dreams of happily retiring in the afterlife are about to be shattered, Laphie from the hero’s party says out of desperation: “I'm with child!!!” El comes to a realization spurred by Laphie's statement: “if the hero who was supposed to kill me isn’t here... then I'll raise one myself!” Now, with El (the Lieutenant-General of the demon army who knows nothing about raising a child), Laphie (the inexperienced mother), and Dino (the cutest baby hero), their "ordinary," child-raising fantasy story unfolds! Here comes the world’s most unpredictable family! Animated Trailer Résumé français : Tu souhaites que je devienne l’expérience et le butin du héros ??? Avec plaisir !!! Un héros qui s’aventure bravement afin de combattre le mal, et un monstre (appelé El) qui existe seulement pour être tué par le dit héros… est enfin confronté au groupe du héros après avoir rêvé pendant si longtemps de sa confortable vie après la mort ! Mais… le héros est bien trop faible ! Tous sauf une personne ont été balayés par l’attaque d’El. Quand son rêve de pouvoir joyeusement se retirer dans sa vie après la mort est sur le point de se briser, Laphie du groupe du héros dit par désespoir: “Je suis enceinte !!!”. C’est alors qu’une idée vient à l’esprit d’El: “Si je ne peux avoir un héros pour me tuer, alors je vais en élever un moi-même !”. À présent, avec El (le lieutenant général de l’armée des démons qui n’a aucune connaissances en la matière d’élever un enfant), Laphie (La mère inexpérimentée) et Dino (Le plus mignon bébé-héros), Leur histoire "inhabituelle" est sur le point de se dévoiler ! Voici-venue la famille la plus imprévisible du monde !
Ch. 1
Mar 13, 2021
The Boy In The All-Girls School
The Boy In The All-Girls School
The Boy in the All Girls School Ch. 5 Contre mesures Appropriées
Mar 15, 2021
Puppy Lovers
Puppy Lovers
English Eri Inui is a 20 year old college student aspiring to become a mangaka. She has been following this dream ever since she was little and has been a the best artist among all her friends. But she still hasn't found a publisher willing to take her under their wing. One day, however, Souta Inuzaki, the son of a distant relative, comes to live with Eri and her mother. Souta, like Eri, is an aspiring violinist and has come to Tokyo to practice. Eri sees a lot of herself in the young Souta. But how will she deal with a 13-year-old boy following his dreams and going through puberty? Portuguese / Português Eri Inui é uma estudante universitária de 20 anos que aspira a se tornar um mangaka. Ela vem acompanhando esse sonho desde que era pequena e foi o melhor artista entre todos os seus amigos. Mas ela ainda não encontrou uma editora disposta a levá-la sob sua asa. Um dia, porém, Souta Inuzaki, filho de um parente distante, vem viver com Eri e sua mãe. Souta é um violinista aspirante e chegou a Tóquio para praticar. Eri vê um monte de si mesma no Souta jovem. Mas como ela vai lidar com um garoto de 13 anos de idade, seguindo os seus sonhos e atravessando a puberdade? Russian / Русский Эри Инуи - двадцатилетняя студентка, которая мечтает стать мангакой. Она грезила об этом с самого детства, а повзрослев, стала лучшим художником в своём классе. Увы, ей пока не удалось найти себе подходящего издателя. Внезапно в ее жизни появляется Сота Инузаки, сын дальней родственницы Эри, и начинает жить с ней и её матерью под одной крышей. Сота - талантливый скрипач, который прилетел в Токио на учебу. Эри видит в юном Соте саму себя, но как ей жить с тринадцатилетним мальчишкой, который пытается достичь своей цели и переживает переходный возраст? Links: Author's Twitter
Chapitre 49
Aug 11, 2020