[Rouhou] Ore No Iinazuke Ni Natta Jimiko, Ie De Wa Kawaii Shika Nai
[Rouhou] Ore No Iinazuke Ni Natta Jimiko, Ie De Wa Kawaii Shika Nai
“Onii-san, congratulations on your marriage. This person is your bride.” “M-my name is Watanae Yuuka… I’m in the same class as you…” My name is Sakata Yuuichi. I’m in my 2nd year of high school. Due to my parents’ circumstances, I’m suddenly getting married..? Furthermore, my partner is a plain girl, Watanae-san. During my 3rd year of middle school, I went through a bad experience. Ever since then, I’ve only been interested in 2D heroines. There’s absolutely no way I’d ever be interested in a 3D girl. That was what I thought, but… “…Well then, who’s your favorite heroine right now?” Turns out, she was actually an otaku and she becomes very talkative when you get to know her. She’d always happily engage in our conversations. She showed me things I’d never have expected from a girl in my class. “Err, since we’re going to be living together… Is it okay if I call you Yuu-kun?” And, the moment I let my guard down, she’d instantly try to shorten the distance between us. What’s more… “Just between you and me, I’m actually the voice actress for Yuuna Izumi from 『Alice Stage』. Thank you for always supporting me!” It’s a secret from everyone else, but it turns out she’s actually my favorite heroine’s voice actress?! I am only interested in 2D heroines! But, Yuuka’s true self, which she only shows when she’s alone with me, is nothing but cute! This is the story of me and Yuuka, starting as bethrothed. A heartwarming and chaotic romcom!
Chapitres 19.2
May 11, 2024
Ore No Iinazuke Ni Natta Jimiko, Ie De Wa Kawaii Shika Nai
Ore No Iinazuke Ni Natta Jimiko, Ie De Wa Kawaii Shika Nai
“Onii-san, congratulations on your marriage. This person is your bride.” “M-my name is Watanae Yuuka… I’m in the same class as you…” My name is Sakata Yuuichi. I’m in my 2nd year of high school. Due to my parents’ circumstances, I’m suddenly getting married..? Furthermore, my partner is a plain girl, Watanae-san. During my 3rd year of middle school, I went through a bad experience. Ever since then, I’ve only been interested in 2D heroines. There’s absolutely no way I’d ever be interested in a 3D girl. That was what I thought, but… “…Well then, who’s your favorite heroine right now?” Turns out, she was actually an otaku and she becomes very talkative when you get to know her. She’d always happily engage in our conversations. She showed me things I’d never have expected from a girl in my class. “Err, since we’re going to be living together… Is it okay if I call you Yuu-kun?” And, the moment I let my guard down, she’d instantly try to shorten the distance between us. What’s more… “Just between you and me, I’m actually the voice actress for Yuuna Izumi from 『Alice Stage』. Thank you for always supporting me!” It’s a secret from everyone else, but it turns out she’s actually my favorite heroine’s voice actress?! I am only interested in 2D heroines! But, Yuuka’s true self, which she only shows when she’s alone with me, is nothing but cute! This is the story of me and Yuuka, starting as fiancees. A heartwarming and chaotic romcom!
Vol.0 Ch.18.2
Apr 10, 2024
Becoming The Villain's Family
Becoming The Villain's Family
Sirènes... un nom dérivé d'une ancienne créature, utilisé pour décrire ceux qui pouvaient charmer, attirer, contrôler et guérir les autres en chantant. Il y a des années, une sirène nommée Sophia a été kidnappée par le comte Cortez comme sa sirène prisée, et une fille nommée Aria est née peu après comme leur fille. Soumise à vivre la vie d'une sirène, Aria a vécu, vu et entendu beaucoup de choses horribles. D'autres feraient n'importe quoi pour l'entendre chanter, jusqu'à la folie. L'empereur, qui est devenu obsédé par elle, lui a cassé les jambes et l'a enfermée dans une cage à oiseaux au fond du palais impérial pour la cacher et la garder pour lui. Brisée au-delà de tout, Aria se résigna à mourir, quand soudain - L'archiduc diable, Lloyd Cardenis Valentine, est arrivé et a chuchoté : "Dois-je tuer tout le monde ici ? Si vous avez besoin de moi, appelez-moi. Votre chanson m'atteindra toujours, où que vous soyez." À la fin, Aria a appelé le diable, apportant la mort à tous ceux qui étaient présents, à l'exception d'elle-même. "Allons tomber ensemble en enfer." Et avec cela, Aria a respiré son dernier souffle et est décédée... seulement pour revenir à elle-même de 10 ans. Maintenant qu'elle a une seconde chance dans sa vie, Aria est déterminée à changer son destin, ainsi que l'avenir cruel de son sauveur, l'archiduc Valentine. Elle lui propose un contrat de mariage, avec un divorce prévu 10 ans plus tard, mais il a d'autres projets...
Chapitre 1
Nov 19, 2020