Drama Name: Gisou Furin
English Title: Fake Affair
Japanese Title:偽装不倫

Watch Online: forjoytv
Channel: NTV
Date: July 10th.

Brief Plot:

Hama Shoko is a 32-year-old single woman and a contract worker. She is not good at romance and does not have a boyfriend, but she wants to get married. For the past 2 years, she has been looking for a man to marry. Still unable to find the right guy, Hama Shoko decides to take a solo trip.

While on the airplane, she meets a handsome younger man. During her trip, she happens to meet the younger man again. Hama Shoko lies to him and tells him that she is a married woman. The man tells her "let's have an affair during this trip."
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Is the Webtoon or?
Jun 13, 2019
Not webtoon. It is manga. (Get live action in July.)
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