JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 - Vento Aureo [Official Colored]
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 - Vento Aureo [Official Colored]
[ENG] Naples, 2001. Giorno Giovanna is a small-time crook with one big dream—to become a "Gang-Star." No ordinary thief, Giorno has a connection to the remarkable Joestar bloodline, and possesses a Stand named Gold Experience. His dream starts to become reality when he meets Bruno Buccellati, a mobster from the gang Passione and a fellow Stand user himself. Realizing that they share similar ideals, and both disagree with the gang's harmful affairs, Giorno reveals his goal to Bruno: with Bruno's help, he will reform Passione by overthrowing the boss. As Giorno becomes a member of Passione, and is inducted into Bruno's squad, he discovers that it is no simple gang; its numbers are teeming with Stand users. Now confronted by other squads of differing loyalties and unpredictable caliber, their goal to change the gang from the inside out will be a tough one. Taking on these adversaries, Giorno attempts to rise through the ranks and inch closer to the boss, a man who is shrouded in mystery. [ESP] Nápoles, 2001. Giorno Giovanna es un ladrón de poca monta con un gran sueño: convertirse en una "Estrella de la Pandilla". No es un ladrón ordinario, Giorno tiene una conexión con la notable línea de sangre de Joestar, y posee un Stand llamado Gold Experience. Su sueño comienza a hacerse realidad cuando conoce a Bruno Buccellati, un mafioso de la banda Passione y otro usuario del Stand. Al darse cuenta de que comparten ideales similares, y que ambos están en desacuerdo con los dañinos asuntos de la banda, Giorno le revela su objetivo a Bruno: con la ayuda de Bruno, él reformará a Passione derrocando al jefe. Cuando Giorno se convierte en miembro de Passione y se incorpora al equipo de Bruno, descubre que no se trata de una simple banda, sino que su número está repleto de usuarios de Stand. Ahora que se enfrentan a otras escuadras de lealtades diferentes y calibre impredecible, su objetivo de cambiar la banda de adentro hacia afuera será muy difícil. Enfrentándose a estos adversarios, Giorno intenta ascender a través de las filas y acercarse más al jefe, un hombre que está envuelto en misterio.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Vento Aureo (Official Colored) Vol. 17 Ch. 151 Épilogue _ Les Esclaves endormis
Nov 04, 2019
Ranger Reject
Ranger Reject
Thirteen years ago, suddenly the Villainous Army of evil appeared in their gigantic floating castle 10000 meters in the sky to invade Earth! The villainous army have reviving capabilities that make them immortal, making them a serious threat to humanity. To protect us against these invaders, the Divine Dragon Rangers, the Dragon Keepers, wield their miraculous powers and their weapons, Divine Tools, and continuously fight for our safety! The assault of the Villainous Army! The vigilance of the Dragon Keepers! Will they succeed in their conquest…? Find out in the action-packed superhero series of a lifetime! Russian / Русский: SpoilerТринадцать лет назад Злодейская армия зла внезапно появилась в своем гигантском плавучем замке на высоте 10000 метров в небе, чтобы вторгнуться на Землю! Злодейская армия обладает возрождающими способностями, которые делают их бессмертными и делает их серьезной угрозой человечеству. Чтобы защитить нас от этих захватчиков, Божественные Драконьи Рейнджеры, Хранители Драконов, используют свои чудесные силы и свое оружие, Божественные Инструменты, и постоянно борются за нашу безопасность! Нападение Злодейской армии! Бдительность, Хранители Драконов! Удастся ли им одержать победу? .. Узнайте это в остросюжетной серии супергероев на всю жизнь!.
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