I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life
I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life
Florentia was reincarnated as the illegitimate child of the richest family in the empire. She had thought that everything would go well in the future. But her father had passed away, her relatives left her at the doorsteps, and the honourable family she was so proud of was completely ruined…. But is this real? She drank a little (a lot) and was hit by a carriage, When she opened her eyes again, she was seven years old? Moreover, the Second Prince, who was the enemy of her family in her previous life is following her around like a dog! “Tia, you’re prettier than me.” “….Are you kidding me right now?” “No. I mean it.” Alright, both the Second Prince and the family are mine! In this life, I’ll have to become the Overlord. Russian / Русский: SpoilerФирентия переродилась внебрачной дочерью главы самого влиятельного рода империи. Но однажды её отец умер, родственники выставили её за порог, а те аристократы, с которыми она хорошо ладила, отвернулись от неё. А затем её, подвыпившую, сбил экипаж, и вдруг, открыв глаза, она вернулась в свои семь лет. Там, в прошлой жизни, подобно большому псу, за ней увивался второй принц, который станет врагом всего её рода. - Тия, ты намного красивее меня! - Шутить изволил? - Нет, я правду говорю. Ну и ладно, и второй принц, и родовое имущество, всё это моё! Я обязательно стану хозяйкой этой жизни. Манхва-адаптация одноименного романа.
Vol. 1 Ch. 7
Mar 13, 2021
The Evil Sorceress Plans To Survive!
The Evil Sorceress Plans To Survive!
Xiao Yao, a young lady of a wealthy, respectable family in the 21st century, thought her life had ended when she passed away due to a deadly illness. However, she opened her eyes and found herself in the body of a manhua's villainess, Princess Abella. Despite not having any magic powers nor capabilities, the pompous and vicious Princess caused countless people to suffer from her heinous acts. Her greed for the throne even led her to murder her own father, thus sentencing her to death while the protagonists of the manhua lived happily ever. With a second chance at life in such a healthy body, Xiao Yao will not sit back idly while the Princess' impending doom befalls her again. This time, she will strive to change the Princess' fate, and along the way, will attempt to discover her hidden secrets and of those around her... French : Xiao Yao, une jeune femme d'une famille riche et respectable au 21ème siècle, pensait que sa vie avait pris fin quand elle est décédée à cause d'une maladie mortelle. Cependant, elle ouvrit les yeux et se retrouva dans le corps de la méchante d'un manhua, la princesse Abella. En dépit de ne pas avoir de pouvoirs magiques ni de capacités, la princesse pompeuse et vicieuse a fait souffrir d'innombrables personnes de ses actes odieux. Son avidité pour le trône l'a même amenée à assassiner son propre père, la condamnant ainsi à mort alors que les protagonistes du manhua vivaient heureux pour toujours. Avec une seconde chance à la vie dans uncorps sain, Xiao Yao ne va pas rester les bras croisés tandis que le destin imminent de la princesse la menace à nouveau. Cette fois, elle s'efforcera de changer le destin de la princesse, et en cours de route, tentera de découvrir ses secrets cachés et ceux de ceux qui l'entourent...
Chapitres 42
May 03, 2023