Maou Desu. Onna Yuusha No Hahaoya To Saikon Shita No De, Onna Yuusha Ga Giri No Musume Ni Narimashita.
Maou Desu. Onna Yuusha No Hahaoya To Saikon Shita No De, Onna Yuusha Ga Giri No Musume Ni Narimashita.
Meet Galt Luzen, the Demon Lord. Well, the Demon Lord of his own continent, anyway. After his wife passed away, he gradually withdrew from his social life and started to do more of whatever Demon Lords do. Enter Angelica, the Hero. Heroine. Whatever. She’s a paladin of goodness, who wants nothing more than to defeat the Demon Lord. However, she is no match for him and is utterly defeated. As Galt is not a completely evil Demon Lord, he takes Angelica, still unconscious, as well as the other members of her party, back to their families so they can rest their wounds. As he is bringing back Angelica to her home, however, he meets her mother, Reitia - who is the splitting image of his former wife. As he and she bond over tea, Galt’s feelings get the better of him, and he proposes to Reitia on the spot. Surprisingly, she accepts. How will Angelica cope with a literal demon for a stepfather? Can Galt take care of someone who has taken a blood oath to kill him? Just what are Demon Lords in this world, anyway, for them to nonchalantly treat the battles of good and evil as if they were sports? Read and find out. Manga artist twitter Arabic / العربية Spoiler غالت لوزين ملك الشياطين. بعد وفاة زوجته وانسحابه تدريجياً من حياته الاجتماعية وفعل المزيد مما يفعله ملوك الشياطين. يلتقي بالبطلة إنغليكا التي لا تريد شيء سوى هزيمت ملك الشياطين. لكنها ليست نداً له فيتم هزيمتها مع اعضاء فريقها, وبما ان غالت ليس بملك شياطين شرير الى هذه الدرجة, يقوم بإرجاعهم الى عائلاتهم. وعند الوصول الى موطن إنغليكا يقابل غالت ام البطلة التي تدعى ريتيا, والتي هي صورة طبق الاصل عن زوجة غالت الراحلة فيقوم غالت بعرض الزواج عليها فتوافق. كيف ستتعامل إنغليكا مع زوج امها ووالدها في القانون؟ وهل يستطيع غالت الاعتناء بشخص اخذ قسماً بقتله؟
Maou desu. Onna Yuusha no Hahaoya to Saikon Shita no de, Onna Yuusha ga Giri no Musume ni Narimashita Chapitre 9
Feb 10, 2020
I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life
I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life
Florentia was reincarnated as the illegitimate child of the richest family in the empire. She had thought that everything would go well in the future. But her father had passed away, her relatives left her at the doorsteps, and the honourable family she was so proud of was completely ruined…. But is this real? She drank a little (a lot) and was hit by a carriage, When she opened her eyes again, she was seven years old? Moreover, the Second Prince, who was the enemy of her family in her previous life is following her around like a dog! “Tia, you’re prettier than me.” “….Are you kidding me right now?” “No. I mean it.” Alright, both the Second Prince and the family are mine! In this life, I’ll have to become the Overlord. Russian / Русский: SpoilerФирентия переродилась внебрачной дочерью главы самого влиятельного рода империи. Но однажды её отец умер, родственники выставили её за порог, а те аристократы, с которыми она хорошо ладила, отвернулись от неё. А затем её, подвыпившую, сбил экипаж, и вдруг, открыв глаза, она вернулась в свои семь лет. Там, в прошлой жизни, подобно большому псу, за ней увивался второй принц, который станет врагом всего её рода. - Тия, ты намного красивее меня! - Шутить изволил? - Нет, я правду говорю. Ну и ладно, и второй принц, и родовое имущество, всё это моё! Я обязательно стану хозяйкой этой жизни. Манхва-адаптация одноименного романа.
Vol. 1 Ch. 7
Mar 13, 2021
Welcome To The Impregnable Demon King Castle ~The Black Mage Who Got Kicked Out Of The Hero Party Due To His Unnecessary Debuffs Gets Welcomed By The Top Brass Of The Demon King's Army~
Welcome To The Impregnable Demon King Castle ~The Black Mage Who Got Kicked Out Of The Hero Party Due To His Unnecessary Debuffs Gets Welcomed By The Top Brass Of The Demon King's Army~
Chapitre 2.4
Nov 26, 2020