Fu Junai
Fu Junai
Contains 6 short stories: 1. Fu Jun Ai One day, Onosaka Kumiko returns home from grocery shopping and finds a stranger waiting for her in front of her house. The stranger turns out to be Shinohara Yuki, an old crush and work colleague of Kumiko's who quit 3 years earlier because of an incurable illness, and all he wants is to confess to Kumiko before he dies. Knowing that he'll die soon, Kumiko takes pity on Shinohara, invites him to live with her, and soon becomes his lover. But are her feelings really only pity? And is there something Shinohara's hiding too...? 2. A sin to love you Yuu is the top hostess at an escort club for a reason: she loves getting her guy—but she loves being in control even more! So when shy and conservative Mochizuki becomes her newest client, his reserved behavior perplexes her. Every night she pulls out her best feminine wiles, so why isn't he falling for her already? In desperation, she drags the hapless "Shin-kun" to a love hotel, where she discovers a very interesting secret about him. Could it be that the tables have turned and now Yuu is the one in danger of falling for Shin-kun? And is that the only secret of the man of her dreams? 3. Can't live without you A follow-up to "A sin to love you". *NOTE: A follow-up to this can be found as an extra in the series Private Prince. 4. The Deceitful Fingers When homeroom teacher Miyagi's assistant goes on maternity leave, her replacement is the handsome Kiritani Riku. For Miyagi, it's attraction at first sight, but Kiritani seems stuck on an unrequited love—a former teacher of his and the reason why he came a teacher himself. Crushed, Miyagi gets drunk at a welcome party for Kiritani and passes out in front of everyone, but she wakes up to a most unexpected companion...and an even more unexpected proposition! 5. Can I love you dearly? Nishizawa's supervisor Nagase is a devil! His handsome facade can't hide his critical and exacting management style. Then she discover's his secret- he's a fanatical pet owner that loves his cat. The softer side of Nagase is proving devastating to Nishizawa's vision of her boss! Extra. How Shinohara-san spends his weekend
Vol. 1 Ch. 3
Feb 26, 2021
Fukushuu Kansuisha No Jinsei Nishuume Isekaitan
Fukushuu Kansuisha No Jinsei Nishuume Isekaitan
Kousuke Kurono was an Avenger. After being raped, his beloved little sister was left out in the cold and froze to death. From the time he was 13-years old, Kousuke made use of any possible means in order to exact his revenge. 5 years had passed, he achieved his revenge, but having lived solely for the sake of revenge, at the moment his revenge came to fruition, afterwards he couldn’t muster up the willpower to live on. That’s why, with the same knife he used to kill the culprit, he slit his own throat. However, he then heard a voice; “Is that not wasteful?”. When he came to, he found not his home, his country, nor his world——It was another world. Russian / Русский Spoiler Это история о Куроно Косукэ - мстителе. Его любимая младшая сестра скончалась после того, как её изнасиловали и выкинули умирать на мороз. С 13 лет Куроно вынашивал планы по мести и готовился к их исполнению. Спустя пять лет он наконец-то смог свершить месть над всеми мерзавцами, что так жестоко поступили с его сестрой. Не видя дальше смысла жить, он решил покончить с собой. И, взяв тот нож, которым он только что кромсал всех тех мерзавцев, он перерезал себе горло. И тут он внезапно услышал голос - "разве так стоило прожить эту жизнь?". Когда Куроно очнулся, его встретил не его дом, не его страну и даже не его мир - он очутился в ином мире. Webnovel RAWs
Vol. 1 Ch. 2
Aug 23, 2020